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Model Masterpiece The Lamborghini Countach

The Lamborghini Miura veritably defined 1960s sports car beauty. Its successor, the utterly unique Lamborghini Countach, introduced “brutal” to the equation and became a landmark supercar design.

Mp Bugattieb110

As the first production car to bear the Bugatti name in thirty-five years, the EB110 had big shoes to fill. The 560 horses produced by its 3.5L V-12 fit snugly into those French racing boots.

Of Whengenerationsshifttogether

The recent ‘generational shift’ in collecting may actually be examples of ‘mature’ collectors seeking a more comfortable, reliable and usable ride. It’s one of those rare instances in which we Baby Boomers can share an opinion with the Millennials without embarrassment or explanation.

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This week in New York City, RM Sotheby’s is rolling out another curated, art-gallery style auto auction. The auction, called Driven by Disruption, showcases a number of blue-chip classics that broke the mold in the world of power, style, or racing lineage. Premier’s Team of dedicated leasing specialists will be watching the auction closely, ready to assist clients in acquiring any of the cars.


Take a deep dive into all things Vintage Classic in this look at models from Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. Straight from the eyes of something who grew up admiring these cars, learn all about the cars that helped to shape these brands we are still astonished by today.

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