Before you pay cash, borrow or lease to acquire your next dream car, you need to invest 11 minutes and 59 seconds to hear real estate superstar, serious car enthusiast, and YouTuber Brad Pearson share his (unsolicited) story on how and why he worked with Premier to finance his 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo.
There’s always a crop of newcomers and those reluctant to participate, lacking a clear understanding of the protocol and unwritten etiquette involved in serious car auctions. We asked a group of the world’s most experienced car auction participants for insider tips to avoid making rookie mistakes at a car auction.
Wayne Carini has a lifetime of experience in automobile restoration, and has worked on rare car collections owned by Letterman, Lendl and DuPont. He’s been featured in the New York Times and automobile magazines. For the past decade, Wayne has hosted the highly acclaimed Chasing Classic Cars on the Velocity Channel.