Understand your financing options before you buy your dream car.
If you’re a serious car enthusiast, understanding all of your dream car financing options is an important part of the ownership experience. The more you know about how to use your money wisely, the greater sense of control and satisfaction you’ll gain from any exotic or vintage car transaction…which is often very different from purchasing a “traditional vehicle.” In this relaxed, hour-long conversation with PFS CEO Mitch Katz, Ed Bolian covers dozens of tough (and sometimes humorous) questions submitted by VINwiki followers. If you’re interested in gaining practical and helpful insights based on Mitch’s decades of experience, then this will be time well spent.
Interview topics range from how to build up your “borrowing power” with lenders; to why traditional banks are unlikely to understand the exotic / vintage car market; to which marques / models lease well; and why discussing your car purchasing plans with your spouse upfront is always the best strategy.